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Trisha Renaud


Presented by Susan MacPherson; written by Marjorie Fargo

Trisha Renaud has been a trial consultant in Atlanta for 20+ years with her business Trial Advantage, Inc. but she was trained as a journalist. Trisha came into trial consulting after 15 years reporting on trials, court hearings and investigative journalism through her employment with American Lawyer Media. So, she was supremely equipped to take on the role of ASTC Newshound. (At the time the ASTC Newshound was one of several editorial positions serving ASTC membership; others included ASTCNet editor, Court Call editor, Depository editor, Jury Expert editor, Web editor and ASTC Blog/Twitter Editors.) From at least 2009 – 2019 as Newshound via internet and other methods, Trisha scoured all national and major regional newspapers for news articles about high profile cases and national and regional developments related to voir dire, juror questionnaires, jury selection, change of venue, pre-trial media issues, as well as following major blog posts on these issues, and reviewed major social science journals for new research on these topics. Then, she would distill all this information and present it to ASTC membership through the News section of the Listserv on a weekly and sometimes bi-weekly basis depending on what was going on nationwide. Not only did Trisha search and summarize, but she also included appropriate references, citations and dealt with copyright issues before publishing the summaries. Her Newshound reporting was really invaluable to ASTC because it kept the membership up to speed at least weekly on what was happening throughout the country on major cases and jury issues without each of us having to do all the work ourselves. Because of her work, Trisha was also a great personal resource to the membership. If you wanted a quick update on what was going on on a specific case of national interest, she was always willing to answer a phone call or respond to an email and give a current update on what she had learned - that journalist nose for news! Similarly, she was a great quick resource for pointing people in the correct direction for recent research and journal articles because she was constantly scouring the journals, blogs, etc.

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