Who We Are
The ASTC’s 300+ members from around the country bring skills forged in a number of disciplines, including psychology, communication, theater, sociology, law, and many others.
Member consultants provide some or all of the following services: case narrative and theme development, change of venue studies, community attitude surveys, continuing legal education seminars, deposition preparation, expert testimony, focus group and mock trial research, graphics and demonstrative evidence design, jury selection, language and the law, media relations, mediation and arbitration (ADR), courtroom presentation technology, opening statement and closing argument preparation and evaluation, post-trial juror interviews, presentation strategy, pro bono services, trial simulations, voir dire strategy, and witness preparation.
In addition to trial consultants, the ASTC has venue and recruiting partners, trial technology consultants, students, attorneys, and academic members.
Our Mission



Our By-Laws
Our History
Our Mission
Enriching our Members, Enhancing Advocacy, Promoting Excellence
Our legal system is based on the principle that each party putting forward the best case — making the most of facts, law and presentation skill — allows the truth to win out far more often than not. In that kind of a system, the goals of the ASTC lie at the very heart of the law's ability to deliver justice. We help litigators become better at persuading jurors and other fact-finders, and that makes the system work in a way that is more meaningful, more reliable, and ultimately more fair.
Our History
On October 8, 1982, twenty-four practicing trial consultants met in Phoenix, Arizona to create what has now become the American Society of Trial Consultants. That meeting included many familiar names: Vivian Dicks, Dennis Gouran, Keith Griffin, Robert Hirsh, Bill Johnson, Stuart Kenter, Ron Kurtz, Lin Lilley, Elizabeth Loftus, Loretta Malandro, Ronald Matlon, Melissa McMath, W. Scott Nobles, Jack Parker, Diana Prentice, Richard Rieke, Morleen Getz Rouse, William Strickland, J. Kevin Toomb, Joyce Tsongas, James F. Weaver, Gordon Zimmerman.
Lifetime Achievement Awards
ASTC's Lifetime Achievement Award is not given annually, but only when deserved. There are no set criteria for the award other than the individual must have made a significant contribution to the field of litigation consulting. ASTC's Board of Directors must approve nominees for the award.
ASTC is proud to display the names of these Lifetime Achievement Award recipients.
Scroll to the right to see all of the recipients.
Joyce Award
The Joyce Award, created after the death of Founding Member Joyce Tsongas, honors a member who goes above and beyond toward advancing the goals of the society.
Joyce opened the Society's first bank account with her own money and, exemplary of her giving heart, never let the Society repay that money. She has been described as "smart, witty, and able to charm the pants off a slew of attorneys." Joyce is remembered for not only setting the standard for ethical and competent consulting but also for being the first to share with others. Her attitude of sharing her insight and wisdom grew to permeate the Society she helped establish. The ASTC is what it is because of Joyce's influence, and we will continue to work hard to honor her legacy.
ASTC is proud to display the names of these Joyce Award recipients.
Lifetime Achievement Awards
ASTC's Lifetime Achievement Award is not given annually, but only when deserved. There are no set criteria for the award other than the individual must have made a significant contribution to the field of litigation consulting. ASTC's Board of Directors must approve nominees for the award.
ASTC is proud to display the names of these Lifetime Achievement Award recipients.
Scroll to the right to see all of the recipients.