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Become a Conference 


Sponsors are the lifeblood of the ASTC Conference and the Society. Your sponsorships contribute to the existence of the annual conferences and the growth of our profession throughout the year. All Convention sponsor packages provide value-added recognition to association professionals and ensure you will receive high visibility and company brand awareness. Our tiered sponsor packages provide benefits that will meet your marketing goals and budget. We also offer a variety of exclusive sponsorship options that will cater to those who seek unique recognition.

Platinum Corporate Partner
  • Conference app listing

  • Four conference registrations

  • Full Page advertisement in conference program

  • Two one-year memberships

  • Business Directory listing for one year

  • Newsletter Feature & photo (logo)

  • Website Feature for one month on ASTC website

  • 30-minute presentation to the Board at ASTC conference

  • 1-minute presentation at the ASTC Conference

  • Company logo and link on ASTC website for one year

  • Recognition on Corporate Membership list in conference program

  • Recognition during the “Welcoming Remarks”

Sponsor the ASTC Conference

Gold Sponsor


  • Two complimentary conference registrations

  • 1-minute presentations prior to one session of choice (first come first served)

  • Sponsorship of a break with logo recognition on signage during break

  • Company logo on conference signage & marketing materials - On slide during all scheduled breaks

  • One item/ handout included in the welcome bag

  • Feature article in one ASTC newsletter provided by sponsor and approved by ASTC.

  • Company logo and link on ASTC website for 1 year

  • Recognition as conference sponsor in special edition of conference newsletter

  • Recognition during the “Welcoming Remarks” each day

  • Electronic mailing “Thank You” to membership including all sponsor logos and company website link

  • OPTION to add demo/webinar package - $2,000*

Silver Sponsor


  • Two complimentary conference registrations

  • 1-minute presentation prior to one session of choice (first come first served)

  • Sponsorship of a break with logo recognition on slide during break

  • Company logo on conference signage & marketing materials - On slide during all scheduled breaks

  • One item/ handout included in the welcome bag

  • Feature article in one ASTC newsletter provided by sponsor and approved by ASTC.

  • Company logo and link on ASTC website for 1 year

  • Recognition as conference sponsor in special edition of conference newsletter

  • Recognition during the “Welcoming Remarks” each day

  • Electronic mailing “Thank You” to membership including all sponsor logos and company website link

Bronze Sponsor


  • One complimentary conference registration

  • Company logo on conference signage & marketing materials On slide during all scheduled breaks

  • Company logo and link on ASTC website for 1 year

  • Recognition during the “Welcoming Remarks” each day

  • Electronic mailing “Thank You” to membership including all sponsor logos and company website link

Conference Slide advertising


Logo included on a thank you to our advertisers slide posted pre and post conference each day of the conference.

Opening Reception with Exhibitors (Limit 1)


A popular welcome as everyone arrives for the conference, we all gather for a cocktail reception with our exhibitors!

  • One Exhibit Booth

  • Signage at the event & included in the conference program schedule

  • Includes one beverage ticket per attendee and reception appetizers

  • Recognition during the conference daily “Welcoming Remarks”

  • Company logo on conference signage & looped slide show during all scheduled breaks.

  • Introduction of company representative and option 5-minute welcome presentation to open the reception

  • One electronic mailing to membership announcing sponsored event prior to event (provided by sponsor)

  • Recognition as conference sponsor in special edition of pre-conference electronic newsletter. Includes 100-word description/company logo & link to company website

  • Electronic mailing “Thank You” to membership including all sponsor logos and company website link

Banquet “Kick Off” Reception (Limit 1)


The conference banquet is always an event that ASTC attendees look forward to attending – gather, share all the terrific knowledge you have gained throughout the conference as a “pre banquet warm up” of a fun evening ahead!

  • One Exhibit Booth

  • Signage at the event & included in the conference program schedule

  • Recognition during the conference daily “Welcoming Remarks”

  • Introduction by the ASTC & company representative 5-minute welcome presentation to open the reception

  • One electronic mailing to membership announcing sponsored event prior to event (provided by sponsor)

  • Recognition as conference sponsor in special edition of pre-conference electronic newsletter. Includes 100-word description/company logo & link to company website

  • Company logo on conference signage & looped slide show during all scheduled breaks.

  • Company logo and link on ASTC website for one year

  • Electronic mailing “Thank You” to membership including all sponsor logos and company website link

Banquet Sponsor (Limit 1)


The conference banquet is an evening of food and fun as the final gathering before we all meet again in 2025!

  • Exhibit Booth

  • Signage at the event & included in the conference program schedule

  • Recognition during the conference daily “Welcoming Remarks”

  • Introduction by the ASTC & company representative 5-minute welcome presentation to open the reception

  • One electronic mailing to membership announcing sponsored event prior to event (provided by sponsor)

  • Company logo on conference signage & looped slide show during all scheduled breaks.

  • Recognition as conference sponsor in special edition of pre-conference electronic newsletter. Includes 100-word description/company logo & link to company website

  • Company logo and link on ASTC website for one year

  • Electronic mailing “Thank You” to membership including all sponsor logos and company website



Meet and network with the new members attending the conference in a relaxed and casual setting. Learn about their interests and plans for involvement in Trial Consulting. Food and beverage provided Location date & time TBD.

  • Recognition as conference sponsor in special edition of pre-conference electronic newsletter.

  • Company logo on event signage

  • Corporate logo on all conference signage

  • Company logo on conference signage & looped slide show during all scheduled breaks

  • Event included in the conference program and daily schedule of events

  • Option for sponsor representatives to greet attendees and welcome them to the event

  • Electronic mailing “Thank You” to membership including all sponsor logos and company website link

TC 101 Workshop Sponsor (Limit 1)


  • One Complimentary workshop registration

  • Recognition as session sponsor

  • Recognition as conference sponsor in special edition of pre-conference electronic newsletter.

  • Company logo on conference signage & looped slide show during all scheduled breaks

  • Company logo on session signage

  • Recognition as sponsor during conference opening remarks

  • Company logo on conference signage

  • Company logo and link on ASTC website for 1 year

  • Electronic mailing “Thank You” to membership including all sponsor logos and company website link

Portfolio Sponsor (Limit 1)


  • Company logo featured on conference attendee portfolios

  • Company logo on conference signage

  • Company logo on conference signage & looped slide show during all scheduled breaks

  • Recognition as conference sponsor in special edition of pre-conference electronic newsletter.

  • Recognition as sponsor during conference opening remarks

  • Company logo and link on ASTC website for 1 year

  • Electronic mailing “Thank You” to membership including all sponsor logos and company website link

Lanyard Sponsor (Limit 1)


  • Company logo featured on name badge lanyards

  • Recognition as sponsor during conference opening remarks

  • Recognition as conference sponsor in special edition of pre-conference electronic newsletter.

  • Company logo on conference signage\Company logo and link on ASTC website for 1 year

  • Electronic mailing “Thank You” to membership including all sponsor logos and company website link

Friend Sponsor

$100 – $1,000

  • Recognition during the conference opening “Welcoming Remarks”

  • Recognition listing as a conference sponsor in special edition of pre-conference electronic newsletter.

  • Recognition listing on conference signage

  • Electronic mailing “Thank You” to membership including all sponsor logos and company website link

Photographer Sponsor


Exhibit Booth

$1,500 for ASTC Members - $1,850 for Non-Members

The ASTC conference provides an excellent opportunity to network with ASTC conference attendees. Showcase your products and services face to face. Food and beverage and reception networking events are scheduled in the exhibit area.


  • 6-8' skirted table, chairs

  • Full listing of conference attendees

  • Recognition as conference exhibitor in special edition of pre-conference electronic newsletter.

  • Recognition as exhibitor on name badge

  • One complimentary booth representative - Additional representatives can register at a rate of $300

  • Listing on ASTC website with link to company website

  • One complimentary special event ticket (option to purchase ticketed events)

  • Access to educational sessions


  • Exhibitor Rates: $1,500 ASTC Member - $1,850 Non-Member

For additional information and to register for the corporate program please contact Amy Cheatham -

Sponsor a Session at the ASTC Conference

Case Organization and Client Management Session Sponsor
Speed Meet Session Sponsor
Trust in Justice Session Sponsor
Jury Trial Reforms, Innovations, and Representatives Session Sponsor
LinkedIn Lunch Sponsor
State of Batson Reform – Washington Rule GR37 Session Sponsor
Navigating the New Frontier Session Sponsor
Online Survey Construction Session Sponsor
Trolly Tour/Monuments Tour Sponsor
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